© 2022
I have linked a website below which I appreciated in the
past. It seemed to have valuable information. I do not want
to delete the link completely, but I would like to advise
some caution in advance and say:
I have not directly linked the page to which I
am referring here, because I could no longer be sure to
which extent all information on it is correct, partly due
to one
or two (the latter quite worth reading,
without knowing whether the content is correct) political
statements of the website's author. Doubts came to me
already when evaluating Brexit (here, I could at least somehow
understand this as an interpretation, although I suspect
the decision of the British was based on insufficient
information and lies), but one statement in the articles
from 2021 / 2021 made me reconsider altogether.
It gets even more pronounced when reading this and this. (A bit more like the Sandy
whose texts I read all these years sounds this. Still...) Has not even the
style changed (and not sure about the energy?)? Very
strange (from my point of view) –
so I cannot really support any newer articles on that
site, and I wonder now, what to say about the old ones.
Also see here, which
seems to give the option that some things that, generally
speaking, are believed by certain circles might not all be
true, but still seems to continue with accepting as true
what I would not necessarily believe to be so concerning
the elections. But I do not know.
Perhaps even worse in my eyes the "what if" concerning the
Ukraine here,
although many of the other ponts there are very
interesting to consider and may help to remain careful in
what one believes, undersatnding there may be various
She is not the only one in the spiritual realm with a view
apparently quite different fropm my own. So it does not
seem to be a singular phenomenon.
Of course, it cannot be ruled out that I am mistaken, but
it is simply beyond me how someone who has observed T.'s
behavior, for example, saw him in the debate with Hillary
Clinton, can come to a different conclusion than I. And to
me, it is quite obvious who is the criminal if we look at
what happens in Eastern Europe in 2022.
So can I still trust a side that seems to subscribe to
this view?
Maybe not.
Will you still trust me after the above? Maybe yes, maybe
But I still think earlier articles on the website to which
I am giving the link below might be helpful. I cannot be
sure any longer, though. Who knows what might have been
hidden there? Although I have not noticed anything strange
before the Brexit-article, but, worse, the articles of
2020 / 2921. Even the articles linked above can at least
show how different perspectives can be. But you have to be
able to use discernment. Only follow the link if you are
able to and wiling to use adequate discernment, please.
Here is the link: The homepage is http://lightascension.com,
the article section is http://lightascension.com/articles2.html.